Creation of Contracts

Creation of Contracts

Within the Maintenance Contracts, you could simplify negotiations with your customers and manage key information on existing contracts. With this tool, you could register the agreements laid down in the contract and access all relevant information centrally, making it easier for any member of your organization to be aware of the contract. Optimize your maintenance operations with thisluciía3n integral.

1. Access the "Contracts" module fromthe main menu. Once inside, you would find a table with the list of existing contracts. To create a new one, click on the "Create Contract" button in the upper-right corner.

Creación de un contrato

2. When entering the Contracts module, you should fill in the required fields, such as the Customer's name. To facilitate this task, we have a drop-down list containing customers previously created in the Customers' section.If you haven't created any customers, you can do so quickly by clicking on the "+" icon on the right side of the customer drop-down list. In this way, you could easily register the information of a new customer without having to leave the contract module and go to the Customer module. Streamline the process of creating contracts with this intuitive functionality.

Registro del cliente al que pertenece el contrato.

3.When creating your contract, choose a name that clearly identifies it. We recommend that you use relevant information on your purchase order, quotation or contract, such as the item, purpose, purpose or description thereof, to facilitate its identification.

Registro del nombre del contrato.

4.To create your contract, select a code that identifies it clearly and precisely. We suggest you use relevant information on your purchase order, quotation or contract, such as the number or code if you already have it. If you do not have one, use codification that will allow you to obtain key information on the contract easily. For example, if you have a contract with Caterpillar customer for a full-cost maintenance service and this is the fifth negotiation with them, you could create a CAT-C. In this case, "CAT" would identify the Caterpillar customer, "MTC" would represent maintenance at all costs, and "5" would indicate that it is the fifth negotiation. Using this type of code would help you facilitate the identification and management of the contract efficiently.

Registro u creación del código de contrato.

5. Record of contract amount.
When creating your contract, make sure you record the amount of money contracted, considering securities without tax. We recommend that you use relevant information on your purchase order, quotation or the original established contract sent to the customer to make this registration precisely and reliably.

Registro de monto del contrato.

6. Registration of the type of maintenance contracted
In the registration process, select the appropriate type of maintenance: preventive, corrective or all. It is important to clearly identify the type of contract for adequate management of maintenance activities

Registro del tipo de mantenimiento contratado

7. Registration of the type of contractor.
To specify the nature of the contract, choose the corresponding option from the drop-down list in the 'Type of Contract' field. If it is 'Full Coverage', it indicates that the contract covers labour, spare parts, external services and any other necessary aspects. On the other hand, if you select 'Laboral', it would be understood that the contract only includes labour, without other additional components.

Registro del tipo de contratado.

8. Registration of the start date of the contract.
In the registration of the contract, make sure you complete the date field to indicate the beginning of its validity. It is important to specify the date from which the contract would be in effect and would be swift to both parties.

Registro de fecha de inicio del contrato.

9. Registration date of termination of the contract.
In the registration of the contract, make sure you complete the end date field to indicate the termination of its validity. It is important to specify the date from which the contract would be completed and would not be swift to both parties.

Registro fecha de terminación del contrato.

10. Add assets associated with the contract
To include the assets you wish to associate with the contract, click the 'Add' button below. At this stage, you could select assets that have already been created in the Asset moduleand which are related to the field of clients we previously registered in the contract. In this way, we guarantee a comprehensive and effective management of the assets associated with the contract.

11. Selection of assets to the contract.
To link assets to the contract, simply check the corresponding checkbox in the table. In addition, you can use the search and filter tool to segment the assets you want to associate. This functionality would make it easier for you to select specific assets that would be part of the contract efficiently.

Selección de los activos al contrato.

12. Massive actions of contracts.
In this section, you can select the checkbox for each contract in the table and then use the 'Actions' button to deploy the 'Delete' option. This function would allow you to delete previously created contracts that may not be in force or containing information errors. Keep your list of contracts up to date and organized thanks to this practical elimination tool.

Acciones masivas de los contratos.

13. Configuration button in contracts.
The configuration button at the top of the contract module, gives you the possibility to set up the columns in the table of contracts. With this functionality, you can sort, hide or display columns according to your preferences, making it easier to visualize information.

Botón de configuración en modulo contratos.

14. View options Table contracts
To set up the table of contracts view, simply checkboxes in the columns you want to view. In addition, hold the click on the 6 points in each column and scroll it up or down to sort them according to your preferences. This functionality allows you to customize the presentation of the table of contracts in a simple and efficient manner.
Opciones de vista Tabla contratos

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