Inventory input and output movements

Inventory input and output movements

In this section, you could manage the flow of your inventory products easily and promptly. You may register product entries and outputs, either for purchases or by use in order. So they could keep control of your stock, avoid shortage and optimize your resources.

1. Within the "Inventory" module givesclick on "Movements".

2. A new screen would appear showing the movements of previously created warehouses will be displayed

3. Clicking on one will deploy existing movements
To create a new movement givesclick on "Create movement"located at the top right.

Al dar clic sobre alguno se desplegaran los movimientos existentes

4. Once inside it will show you a screen with certain data that you would have to complete:
Warehouse:Select the warehouse to which the product you want to update belongs.
Type:This field refers to the type of movement either entry or exit from the warehouse.
Reference:This field serves to indicate the reason for the movement to be made, whether it relates to an OT or the product is being delivered.

Una vez dentro nos mostrara una pantalla con ciertos datos que tenemos que completar.

5. Once all the data should be selected, the amount and if entry should be affected, the amount and if entry should include the unit cost

6. After completing the product data, you can press the "add product" button to include more products in your movement.

7. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary until you have all the products registered.

Este proceso se puede repetir tantas veces como sea necesario hasta tener todos los productos registrados.

8. Once you have all the products giveclick on "Save"in this way the movement will be recorded

Una vez que tenemos todos los productos damos clic en Guardar de esta manera quedara registrado el movimiento

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